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文:MenClub 波特先生  圖:互聯網
POSTED ON 04 Sep 2017

喺岩岩嘅香港時間星期六,昔日太陽核心之一「小霸王」A.史杜達米亞(Amar’e Stoudemire)正式宣佈退役,結束自己15年嘅球員生涯。而A.史杜達米亞嘅退役,亦代表太陽一個時代嘅結束,想當年太陽嘅三人組A.史杜達米亞、Steve Nash同Shawn Marion嘅快打旋風式籃球,令唔少人都成為太陽嘅球迷。


Thank you @_winner_league @thejerusalem_post @sport_5 @jerusalembasket "When I decided last summer to retire from the NBA and join Hapoel Jerusalem, my intentions were to help this team, from this holy city win my first championship with the team and the second championship in franchise history. I am extremely proud that not only did we meet that goal, but that this achievement, capped arguably the best season this team has ever had. Reaching all three local finals, of which we won two, along with a eurocup semifinals appearance, personally winning the All Star Game MVP Award  and coming to within one game of the finals, made it a truly remarkable season. I am extremely proud that not only did we meet that goal, but that this achievement, capped arguably the best season this team has ever had. It has been a great ride for myself and my family. We enjoyed the city, it's people, the holy places  and of course Hapoel fans. Although I would have liked to return for another season, the team, coach and I could not find a role that I felt would allow me to meaningfully contribute in the way I have always been accustomed to play I feel it is my time now, to return to the shareholder's position and help make this team even better. I would like to thank Hapoel Jerusalem president. Ori Allon, and the entire Hapoel Jerusalem organization for giving me the opportunity to retire as a champion and doing it in the holiest of cities made even more special. I wish my teammates, friends and fans another great season. Yalla Hapoel!!" #kingdombusiness #shabbtshalom

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2010年夏天,Amar’e決定跳出太陽最後一年嘅合同,並決定同紐約人簽約,當時嘅佢只有28歲,仍然處於巔峰期。成功羅致Amar’e後,紐約人嘅實力亦獲得好大嘅提升,佢地由只有29勝嘅球隊,變成一支42勝嘅球隊,成功打入季後賽。可惜嘅係,由佢加上Carmelo Anthony領軍下都未能喺季後賽有一番作為。




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